St. Paul’s Cathedral London

Last Friday, a grey and rainy day, I mistakenly arrived at The Holy Art Fair in London 2 hours early. 

Equipped with my notebook and set of coloured pens, I set off to Saint Paul’s Cathedral with the intention sit in the pews for awhile and catch up on my journaling. 

note to self: I intended to journal regularly this year and had let 2 months laps since my last entry.

Upon arrival at the cathedral I learned that this is a pay to enter experience rather than just an open church, so I paid my fee (£23 !!) and made my way inside. 

My simple plans of sitting and journalling quickly changed when I realised how magnificent the interior architecture and art were. I would have to leave the leisurely journaling for my friendly neighbourhood visits to the London Oratory. 

In the 1.5 hours that I was in St. Paul’s I took roughly 150 photos and here are my favourite views that I’ve added to my collection.


Rereadable: Slaughterhouse-Five


Favourite Finds from The Holy Art Fair